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- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 06:37:59 PDT
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #138
- To: info-mac-list
- Info-Mac Digest Wed, 19 Oct 94 Volume 12 : Issue 138
- Today's Topics:
- [*] ACL Whacker 1.0 Demo; an AppleTalk utility
- [*] BBEdit 3.0.1 Update Package
- [*] BBEdit 3.0 Extension Developer's Kit
- [*] BMAPEdit 2.0.1 patch; a Bolo map editor
- [*] CD Catalog (FileMaker Pro Database for Compact Discs)
- [*] coordinates 2.2; converts from geodetic to Cartesian coordinates
- [*] CRC Monitor Matrix 10/18/94
- [*] CSToggle 1.0.0 for Control Strip
- [*] Cycle Window FKEY
- [*] Help on Wheels 1.2; a help server system
- [*] Heritage 2.05; a Macintosh genealogy shareware program
- [*] HoW (Help on Wheels) Developer's Kit 1.2
- [*] KillFinderZooms 1.0; stops widnows from zooming open
- [*] Mail2000 v1.6 program to read e-mail files (update).
- [*] Maybe 1.4; an alias utility
- [*] Menu Events 1.2; a scripting interface to menus
- [*] Menu Grabber 1.2; controls another application's menus
- [*] NeoAccess Intro 3.0; a cross-platform object database engine
- [*] NET_Mac2.3.45; a communications program
- [*] New sound file for your archives!!
- [*] Opt-Tab Program Switcher, v1.0.1; cycles through running programs
- [*] pagekeys; m,ove the cursor with page keys
- [*] photoshop-one-scan-111; a plug-in for the Apple scanner
- [*] PictPocket 1.2; a graphics utility
- [*] Pro Predictor Week#7 Update; NFL data file
- [*] Riki Goes Easy; samples of three CD sound tracks
- [*] SF-171 Job Application Template for Filemaker
- [*] StartupLog.1.5; keeps a log of Mac starts
- [*] TidBITS#248/17-Oct-94
- [*] TRAX Demo [a multimedia control system]
- [*] Virtual Desktop 1.8; allows desktops greater than monitor area
- [Q] Accurate Time Sources
- [Q] Caere OmniScan Fax with USR modem
- [Q] MacSki color file?
- acrobat (R)
- Addresses wanted (Q)
- Alias Creation Program
- Antiviral software
- Capitalizing sentences
- Concordance query
- DeskTop Rebuild Fails (Part 2)
- Duo Dock II video info. needed (Q)
- ethertalk start up
- Eudora (?) changing tildes
- Eudora won't trash mail! (R)
- fixing pref files (Q)
- Geoport for Power Macintosh (1.0.2): strange side-effects?
- HELP: Apple 17" & SuperMac Spectrum 24/III
- HELP: speedisk crashed my mac? err. -39?
- IMAP Clients? (2 msgs)
- Internet for kids
- InterSLIP with 28K8 modem
- Keyboards flaking out
- look for a font (A)
- microsoft cd packaging
- Mosaic 2.00A868k problem
- NET_Mac2.3.45.sea.hqx.text
- New PPP User (A)
- Openning Audio CD files
- PowerMac, Radius and Suitcase
- Removing a Macintosh's name
- scanning and printing
- Scheduling Software?
- Seeking help with concordance work[R]
- SNAFU'd Bernoulli Transportable Fan
- Speech output on a Mac
- Stackable clipboard
- Stackable clipboard (C)
- Star Trek DS9, TNG hypercard stacks
- Transwarp AE
- WordPerfect 3.0
- WP6.0 Windows -> MSWord 5.1a (Mac) - Help!!
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (address below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- To submit a file greater than 800K, or to avoid submitting by (and
- segmenting for) email, send email describing the file to
- backmod@sumex-aim.stanford.edu and upload it to:
- ftp://daemon.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Incoming
- As with emailed submissions, non-text files must be binhexed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 17 Oct 94 14:58:44 U
- From: "Paul Adams" <apl@greenplanet.pscni.nasa.gov>
- Subject: [*] ACL Whacker 1.0 Demo; an AppleTalk utility
- > is a demo version of software that helps to manage Access Lists on AppleTalk
- > Internets. The submission includes the Demo version with Cut, Copy and Save
- > disabled, as well as a read me file to detail it's workings and history. It
- is
- > clearly labeled as DEMO software, both in the title and in the splash
- screen.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/atlk/acl-whacker-10-demo.hqx; 50K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 20:50:26 -0700 (PDT)
- From: bbsw@netcom.com (Bare Bones Software)
- Subject: [*] BBEdit 3.0.1 Update Package
- The attached StuffIt Deluxe archive contains an update for use by
- owners of BBEdit 3.0, the popular text editor for programmers, online
- service users, and others who need to edit and manipulate plain-text
- files. The update contains a patcher application, new versions of the
- BBEdit Power, BBEdit 3.0 Help, and some standard extensions, and
- release notes.
- This update to BBEdit fixes bugs, and adds various usability and
- performance improvements. In particular, specific optimizations have
- improved the performance of non-Grep Replace All by a minimum factor
- of two, and a maximum factor of ten.
- The update package cannot be used to update a demo, freeware, or beta
- version of BBEdit, nor can it be used to update a version of BBEdit
- older than 3.0.
- The 3.0.1 update package is available immediately for anonymous FTP
- >From ftp.netcom.com, in /pub/bbsw, and from ftp.std.com, in
- /pub/bbedit. If you have a URL-capable application such as Mosaic,
- MacWEB, or Anarchie, you can access the update package with one of the
- following URLs:
- ftp://ftp.std.com/pub/bbedit/bbedit-301-upd.hqx
- ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/bbsw/bbedit-301-upd.hqx
- The update package is free for downloading and use by any owner of
- BBEdit 3.0. For additional information, send mail to bbsw@netcom.com.
- Bare Bones Software, Inc. Internet: bbsw@netcom.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/text/bbedit-30-to-301-updt.hqx; 287K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 19:22:10 -0700 (PDT)
- From: bbsw@netcom.com (Bare Bones Software)
- Subject: [*] BBEdit 3.0 Extension Developer's Kit
- The attached StuffIt Deluxe archive contains documentation,
- interfaces, and sample source code that developers can use to write
- BBEdit extensions. This updated version features revamped
- documentation, a new "universal" include file, and information and
- samples on how to write PowerPC-native extensions.
- Extensions written with this kit are compatible with BBEdit and BBEdit
- Lite, version 3.0, and, if properly written, are also
- backward-compatible with older versions of BBEdit.
- The extension developer's kit is also immediately for anonymous FTP
- >From ftp.netcom.com, in /pub/bbsw, and from ftp.std.com, in
- /pub/bbedit. If you have a URL-aware utility such as MacWEB,
- Anarchie, or Mosaic, you can directly access the developer's kit with
- one of the following URLs:
- ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/bbsw/bbedit-30-dev-kit.hqx
- ftp://ftp.std.com/pub/bbedit/bbedit-30-dev-kit.hqx
- Bare Bones Software, Inc. Internet: bbsw@netcom.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/bbedit-30-dev-kit.hqx; 75K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Oct 1994 13:03:49 -0700
- From: "Carl O" <cro@br213mail.nrel.gov>
- Subject: [*] BMAPEdit 2.0.1 patch; a Bolo map editor
- Enclosed is file thats patches BMAPEdit version 2.0 to 2.0.1. It
- should be place in the same directory as the BMAPEdit application,
- game/bolo.
- This patch does the following:
- * changes 'M' keyboard terrain shortcut from Mines to swaMp
- * adds 'L' keyboard terrain shortcut for buiLdings (or waLLs)
- * fixes update display bug when setting base ownership
- * fixes bus error problem with ToolBox windoid WDEF
- The ToolBox problem only caused problems on Macintoshes with Even
- Better Bus Error installed.
- Thank you,
- Carl R. Osterwald
- carl_osterwald@nrel.gov
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/bolo/bmap-edit-20-to-201-updt.hqx; 44K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 23:22:11 -0500 (CDT)
- From: Benjamin Goldstein <FQM6448@vx.cis.umn.edu>
- Subject: [*] CD Catalog (FileMaker Pro Database for Compact Discs)
- The CD Catalog
- (c) Copyright 1994, Benjamin Goldstein
- The CD Catalog is a simple yet powerful database to catalog your Compact
- Discs.
- It was made with FileMaker Pro version 2.1, you need the program to use it.
- Not only may you search and print lists of your CD collection; but you can
- generate reports and lists for specific categories of CDUs, such as only your
- CDs that are Soundtracks or are longer than 65 minutes.
- It includes:
- - An easy method of entry. Including fields for Artist/Album/Record Label/
- Catalog #/Year of Release/SPARS Code (AAD etc.)/Classification (Rock etc.)
- /Song/Song Time and a Comments field.
- - Several (6) predesigned printable layouts.
- - A report layout that gives you lots of detailed info about your CD's:
- such as the average/minimum/ and maximum time/year/and number of songs as
- well as lots of other useless information (THERE ARE ABOUT 65 SUMMARY FIELDS)
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/cd-catalog-12-fmpro.hqx; 139K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 13:35:09 EDT
- From: "John W Robbins" <jrobbins@geodesy2.gsfc.nasa.gov>
- Subject: [*] coordinates 2.2; converts from geodetic to Cartesian coordinates
- Coordinates 2.2 is a Macintosh application which allows the user to convert
- coordinates from geodetic to Cartesian coordinate systems, and vice-versa. It
- will also compute distances along the ellipsoidal surface of the Earth and
- baseline distances as well as chord distances. All of these concepts are
- defined
- and described in the accompanying MS Word Read-Me file. For conversion from
- lat/lon to UTM grid coordinates, see Ken Hill's Geo Converter application.
- The application was written in FutureBasic (from Zedcor, Inc. of Tucson, AZ)
- and
- was benchmarked on a Mac 660AV and an older Mac II (w/ Daystar 50 MHz
- PowerCache
- w/FPU). It has not been tested on PowerPC platforms, but presumably will work
- in
- 68k emulation mode.
- John Robbins
- email: KD3RW@aol.com or jrobbins@geodesy2.gsfc.nasa.gov
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/coordinates-22.hqx; 112K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Oct 94 12:32:56 EDT
- From: Andy.J.Williams@Dartmouth.EDU (Andy J. Williams)
- Subject: [*] CRC Monitor Matrix 10/18/94
- Enclosed is the latest version of the Dartmouth Computer Resource Center
- Monitor Matrix. (10/18/94 version)
- * What it is
- This matrix is an Excel 4 format file which lists all Macintosh Monitors and
- CPUs and the various bit-depths possible in all combinations. We believe it
- to be error free.
- * Changes from the previous version
- 1) The page setup size is now for an 8.5X11 page (older version was tabloid
- size)
- 2) We fixed errors regarding the 630 series and the Multiscan monitors
- 3) Added licensing information (Now this can be reprinted freely for any
- not-for-profit or non-profit use.)
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/monitor-matrix-94-10-18.hqx; 10K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Oct 1994 13:22:22 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Jeremy Kezer, (203) 676-6151" <KEZER%BRAVO@utrc.utc.com>
- Subject: [*] CSToggle 1.0.0 for Control Strip
- CSToggle 1.0.0 (by Jeremy Kezer)
- CSToggle is a teeny application that has one purpose in life - to toggle on
- and off the Control Strip display. If you run it while the Control Strip is
- showing, the Control Strip disappears. If you run it while the Control Strip
- is hiding, it re-appears. That's all!
- You can somewhat hide the Control Strip by clicking on the end tab, but even
- if you do, a little tab still shows in the foreground, and can still eclipse
- items behind it. You can hide the entire Control Strip by going to the
- Control Strip control panel and choosing "Hide Control Strip", but this
- a bunch of extra steps. I normally keep CSToggle in my Apple Menu, so
- that it is always accessible.
- If the Control Strip software isn't loaded (you haven't booted your computer
- with the Control Strip control panel present) then running this program will
- cause nothing to happen.
- This program runs on any Macintosh that is running the Control Strip software.
- It is freeware.
- Jeremy Kezer
- 143 Songbird Lane
- Farmington, CT 06032-3433 (USA)
- jbkezer@aol.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/control-strip-toggle-100.hqx; 96K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 15 Oct 1994 11:30:28 +1000
- From: "Peter E. Middleton" <pem@usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU>
- Subject: [*] Cycle Window FKEY
- Dear All
- The included FKEY is a simple peice of code that I wrote many years ago
- to cycle through the windows of the current application.
- It is currently set as FKEY 5 (command-shift-5).
- I hope this is useful to someone and give it totally free etc...
- This is my *small* contribution to the net family.
- Hope it is useful.
- Peter E. Middleton
- pem@usage.csd.unsw.oz.au
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/cycle-window-fkey.hqx; 2K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 02:13:49 -0400
- From: ab026@freenet.carleton.ca (Ross Brown)
- Subject: [*] Help on Wheels 1.2; a help server system
- This generic help server, which springs from the help facility
- in the famous Disinfectant program, offers on-line,
- context-sensitive help service to all AWOL Utilities programs,
- and potentially others to come.
- Ross Brown
- AWOL Software Productions
- ab026@freenet.carleton.ca
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/help-on-wheels-12.hqx; 100K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 08:02:52 PDT
- From: Tom Grandine (206) 865-2239 <grandine@espresso.rt.cs.boeing.com>
- Subject: [*] Heritage 2.05; a Macintosh genealogy shareware program
- Heritage is a Macintosh genealogy shareware program. Heritage 2.05
- replaces Heritage 2.00, and it offers the following enhancements to
- that program:
- * Printer support
- * Record deletion and merge abilities
- * Navigate to spouse function
- * Progress meters for input, output, and reordering
- * Custom color icons
- The main features of earlier Heritage releases are still present:
- * Arbitrary number of individuals and families
- * Descendant and Ancestor charts for arbitrary numbers of generations
- * Display relationship between any two individuals
- * Photographs and free-form biographical data supported
- * GEDCOM file import and export
- * Family group sheets
- * Data entry and editing screens
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/heritage-205.hqx; 785K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 02:15:18 -0400
- From: ab026@freenet.carleton.ca (Ross Brown)
- Subject: [*] HoW (Help on Wheels) Developer's Kit 1.2
- The Help on Wheels help server provides on-line, context-
- sensitive help service to client applications, including all
- AWOL Utilities programs, and potentially others to come.
- (A later version of the server will be programmed to
- co-operate with the Apple Guide.)
- This Help on Wheels developer's kit includes a sample
- application, and everything a developer would need to add help
- service to an application, control panel, or extension. The
- client interface is designed to take the burden of display,
- printing, saving, and other common help functions away from
- NOT PART OF THIS ARCHIVE (except at umich, historically).
- Ross Brown
- AWOL Software Productions
- ab026@freenet.carleton.ca
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/how-developers-kit-12.hqx; 200K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 13:18:18 -0400
- From: jxj24@po.cwru.edu (Jonathan Jacobs)
- Subject: [*] KillFinderZooms 1.0; stops widnows from zooming open
- Here is the latest bug-fix^H^H^H^H^H^H release of Kill FinderZooms. This
- is version 1.0 which fixes one occasional nasty bug which could prevent
- your Finder from loading. Please discard any earlier version of this
- program.
- What it does:
- The Finder has a routine that will draw a series of animated zoom
- rectangles whenever you open an application (or a window) or whenever you
- select "Clean Up" for a window that is being viewed by Icon or by Small
- Icon. I find this animation to be especially annoying and time consuming
- (particularly when you are trying to clean up a window with a lot of items
- in it). So I wrote this hack to bypass these routines.
- Is it safe?
- I've been using the hack for several months now (since late July) and
- have seen no more crashes than I used to see. Your mileage may vary. I've
- had one report that NowFiler may not be so happy, but that may also have
- been due to a goofy problem that this version fixes.
- Who can use it:
- Anyone who has Finder 7.1.3 or 7.1.4 (the versions that come with the
- PowerMacs and with Systems 7.1Pro and 7.5) can apply this patch.
- Please read the information file that is included.
- jon
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/kill-finder-zooms-10.hqx; 31K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 15:11:19 +0100
- From: x <P.J.Berck@kub.nl>
- Subject: [*] Mail2000 v1.6 program to read e-mail files (update).
- New: Marking of mails. Appending (marked) mails to other files. Some
- small bug fixes and cleaning-up.
- Mail2000 is a small utility to read textfiles containing e-mail. I wrote
- it because I have lots of e-mail files and mailing list digests &c. lying
- around from over the last few years which I occasionally want to read.
- Mail2000 can open up to four files, and provides threading of the subject
- and of the sender, and easy navigation through the mails. People who have
- fancy high-speed modem connections with the rest of the world will probably
- find this not very useful. It needs system 7 to run.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/mail-2000-16.hqx; 112K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 02:16:04 -0400
- From: ab026@freenet.carleton.ca (Ross Brown)
- Subject: [*] Maybe 1.4; an alias utility
- This application picks up where Finder left off in its
- implementation of aliases. Maybe converts a Finder alias file
- to give it an additional effect.
- Converted aliases do more than just point to the original
- item. They can:
- - play a sound
- - open or print every item in the target folder
- - open some other item (document, application, folder, or
- whatever) first
- - send an Apple event to another program
- - make a startup item optional, by questioning the user, or
- checking the state of a key
- Maybe doesn't solve your problems directly, but it gives you
- the power to do a lot of things you've been wanting to do.
- Ross Brown
- AWOL Software Productions
- ab026@freenet.carleton.ca
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/maybe-14.hqx; 157K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 02:16:55 -0400
- From: ab026@freenet.carleton.ca (Ross Brown)
- Subject: [*] Menu Events 1.2; a scripting interface to menus
- This system extension bridges the gap between scripting
- applications and the vast number of non-scriptable
- applications. It makes most, but not all, applications
- controllable through their menu commands, using program
- linking (Apple events).
- Any script, or any program equipped to send Menu events, can
- query and execute the menu commands of any compatible
- application on any Macintosh on the network.
- Version 1.2 adds an AppleScript scripting addition ('osax')
- and a sample script that shows you how to control an
- application through its menus. It also supports script
- recording by (optionally) making applications send Menu events
- to themselves. You can now record menu selection actions
- directly into scripts!
- Ross Brown
- AWOL Software Productions
- ab026@freenet.carleton.ca
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/menu-events-12.hqx; 54K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 02:17:37 -0400
- From: ab026@freenet.carleton.ca (Ross Brown)
- Subject: [*] Menu Grabber 1.2; controls another application's menus
- A fascinating illustration of the power of Menu Events, Menu
- Grabber lets you pick an application from any Macintosh on the
- network, and presents an identical copy of its menu bar on
- your screen (but in bright red and white-on-black, just so you
- realize what you might be getting into). While grabbing an
- application, you can pull down a menu or use a keyboard
- equivalent to simulate the same action on the target
- This application can be useful in network management, and to
- people like me who sometimes forget to close a needed document
- before leaving the office.
- Ross Brown
- AWOL Software Productions
- ab026@freenet.carleton.ca
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/menu-grabber-12.hqx; 64K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 11:54:57 -0700
- From: neologic@hopf.dnai.com (Bob Krause)
- Subject: [*] NeoAccess Intro 3.0; a cross-platform object database engine
- NeoAccess is a cross-platform object database engine. In much the same way
- that application frameworks facilitate the development of an application's
- user-interface, NeoAccess is a set of C++ classes that extend standard
- application frameworks, such as the latest versions of PowerPlant, MacApp,
- the THINK Class Library, zApp, MFC and ObjectWindows, to provide for the
- development of an application's back-end or data model.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/neo-access-30-demo-pp.hqx; 300K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/neo-access-30-demo-tcl.hqx; 936K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/neo-access-30-demo-sample.hqx; 201K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/neo-access-30-demo-docs.hqx; 273K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 12:13:17 +0100
- From: adam@iag.TNO.NL (Adam van Gaalen PA2AGA)
- Subject: [*] NET_Mac2.3.45; a communications program
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/radio-net-mac-2345.hqx; 374K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 94 18:01:14 EDT
- From: udbrooks@king.mcs.drexel.edu (David Brooks ('93))
- Subject: [*] New sound file for your archives!!
- "Before I Let You Go" - Performed by BLACKSTREET
- (Recorded by David Brooks)
- This is a sample of the powerful ballad by BLACKSTREET (called
- "Before I Let You Go". The song sample is about 10.5 seconds long and
- you can click on the System 7 icon to play the sound. It makes a great
- startup or shutdown sound.
- -- David Brooks
- (udbrooks@mcs.drexel.edu)
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/blackstreet-let-go.hqx; 155K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 20:57:27 -0500
- From: Michael_Kamprath@lamg.com (Michael Kamprath)
- Subject: [*] Opt-Tab Program Switcher, v1.0.1; cycles through running programs
- by Michael F. Kamprath
- Copyright *1994 by Michael F. Kamprath
- Option-Tab Program Switcher (OTPS) is a useful little extension which allows
- you to switch between the running programs on your System 7 or greater Mac
- via simple "Option-Tab" keystroke. This extension was inspired by Windows.
- "Whoah!" you say, "Why write Windows functionality for a great machine like
- the Macintosh?" I use Windows at work and became fond of this functionality
- (Well, actually, I got so use to it that I found myself doing it on my Mac).
- So one afternoon I sat down and wrote an system extension to do this.
- v1.0.1 fixes one of the problems that OTPS has with DAs.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/option-tab-switcher-101.hqx; 11K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 16:36:33 -0600
- From: greco@acs.ucalgary.ca
- Subject: [*] pagekeys; m,ove the cursor with page keys
- Here is a little hack a friend wrote to move the cursor when you use
- the page keys.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/page-keys.hqx; 7K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 14:09:38 +0100 (BST)
- From: R.Parr@dcs.qmw.ac.uk
- Subject: [*] photoshop-one-scan-111; a plug-in for the Apple scanner
- After an initial cock-up with versions at my end, this is a newer and wholly
- better version of my Apple OneScanner plug-in for Adobe Photoshop. It has
- a few improvements over version 0.1 which is the one I accidentally posted
- last week (sorry). This is what is better in version 1.1.1:
- Faster hi-res colour scanning
- Preview Scan
- Mouse-selectable scan-area
- Pixel inversion
- R/G/B sensor select for greyscale scans on Color OneScanners
- Richard Parr [r.parr@dcs.qmw.ac.uk]
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/photoshop-one-scan-111.hqx; 38K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 02:22:17 -0400
- From: ab026@freenet.carleton.ca (Ross Brown)
- Subject: [*] PictPocket 1.2; a graphics utility
- Here's a different kind of screen capture utility, great for
- people who need to build a lot of window pictures into their
- documents, but don't want to waste a lot of storage.
- PictPocket "picks the pocket" of applications as they draw
- their windows, not after they have been drawn. This
- difference allows it to place in the Clipboard a 'PICT' which
- represents the actual elements drawn, rather than a bitmap
- (raster) image. (You choose whether or not to include the
- window frame.) Not only is a PictPocket 'PICT' smaller than a
- bitmap 'PICT', and not proportional in size to the depth of
- color, but you retain the ability to edit the picture later,
- using an application such as Microsoft Word or PowerPoint.
- Change text, colors, position of elements, whatever! If you
- need a blow-up of the picture, just change the Page Setup
- scaling factor, and it will still print perfectly, with no
- bitmap "jaggies."
- Ross Brown
- AWOL Software Productions
- ab026@freenet.carleton.ca
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/pict-pocket-12.hqx; 33K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 17:29:48 -0400 (EDT)
- From: chemalyr@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chemaly Rene)
- Subject: [*] Pro Predictor Week#7 Update; NFL data file
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/pro/pro-predictor-94-07.hqx; 13K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 12:15:21 -0500
- From: Riki_Turofsky@mail.magic.ca
- Subject: [*] Riki Goes Easy; samples of three CD sound tracks
- Samples of three tracks from my new CD; a picture of me that your Mom won't
- like; and more info on my recording. If you like the preview...
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/riki-goes-easy.hqx; 1015K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 10:46:42 -0400 (EDT)
- From: THEBILL@delphi.com
- Subject: [*] SF-171 Job Application Template for Filemaker
- This is version 6.2 of the SF-171 Job Application Template for FileMaker Pro
- 2.X. This version incorporates many new changes that make navigation through
- this template easier. Additional Job pages have been added, know there is A-P.
- This should give al
- l you all the job pages you will need. All check boxes are now selectable with
- a
- mouse instead of using the X key. All in all this is a more professional
- looking, cleaner template then past versions. If you've paid your $10.00
- shareware fee for a past
- version and would like this version contact Cherokee Software at
- America On-Line address: The Bill
- Internet Address: thebill@aol.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/sf-171-62-fmpro.hqx; 196K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 10:43:17 -0600
- From: bdurand@artic.edu (Brian Durand)
- Subject: [*] StartupLog.1.5; keeps a log of Mac starts
- StartupLog has one simple purpose - to let you keep track of when a
- Macintosh has been started up. Possible reasons for wanting this
- information include wanting to know when a computer has crashed, whose been
- using a computer they weren't supposed to be using, checking how often a
- computer gets used, or whatever.
- New Features for version 1.5
- - Log now saved to file in Preferences folder instead of internally.
- - Log display font is now in Monaco so that it is much easier to read.
- - Log can be saved to a tab delimited text file.
- - Got rid of the last startup time item since it was redundant.
- - Added balloon help support.
- - Put into documentation that StartupLog is a Control Panel and needs
- to be installed in the Control Panels folder.
- - Fixed bug that caused crash when "Help" was selected in System 6.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/startup-log-15-cdev.hqx; 16K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 18:24:18 PDT
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] TidBITS#248/17-Oct-94
- TidBITS#248/17-Oct-94
- Matt Neuburg weighs in with a hefty look at the latest version of
- one of the most popular utility packages of all time, the Now
- Utilities. Chuck Bartosch passes on news of Apple's financial
- results (they're good), and we announce several new Internet
- sites aimed at Mac Internet users and readers of Internet
- Starter Kit for Macintosh. Finally, we have MailBITS about
- Microsoft's purchase of Intuit, important new programs, and a
- super fast CD-ROM drive.
- Topics:
- MailBITS/17-Oct-94
- Apple Expects Heavy Gains
- Adam's Internet Projects
- Living In the Now - Now Utilities 5.0, Newer and Better
- Reviews/17-Oct-94
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-248.etx; 30K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 16:52:06 +0100
- From: jonasw@lysator.liu.se
- Subject: [*] TRAX Demo [a multimedia control system]
- Enclosed is a demo of TRAX, a multimedia control system developed by
- Dataton AB.
- With TRAX and Dataton hardware, you can create shows using a multitude
- of presentation media (e.g. spotlights, slide projectors and laserdisc
- players), all synchronized and controlled down to hundredths of a
- second. Dataton TRAX runs under System 6.0.7 or later and is fully
- System 7 and PowerMac compatible.
- See the Readme file for information on how to contact a Dataton reseller
- in your area.
- I have no connection to Dataton except that I know some of the nice guys
- that work there!
- -- Jonas Wallden
- jonasw@lysator.liu.se
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/trax-demo.hqx; 317K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 02:23:00 -0400
- From: ab026@freenet.carleton.ca (Ross Brown)
- Subject: [*] Virtual Desktop 1.8; allows desktops greater than monitor area
- The first and only of its kind, a virtual desktop manager for
- the Macintosh that works on all types of Macs and all types of
- monitors. For 160K of memory, you can have a virtual desktop
- as big as you like, in full color. Excellent for PowerBooks
- and other Macs with the ability to run many programs at once,
- but nowhere to put the windows.
- To get around, you have several options:
- - use the scroll bars on the sides of the screen
- - click a "door," or use the Door menu or Control Strip, to
- go to a preset location
- - see the entire virtual desktop in miniature, and rearrange
- your windows and icons
- - press a key combination to scroll in any direction
- - push a reference point on the virtual desktop from A to B
- using the mouse
- - shove the mouse against the edge of the screen to scroll in
- any direction
- In addition to the new door access methods and usage options,
- version 1.8 adds door options for item launching and color
- depth switching. With its many helpful features and options
- for customization, Virtual Desktop is one exciting piece of
- freeware!
- Ross Brown
- AWOL Software Productions
- ab026@freenet.carleton.ca
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/virtual-desktop-18.hqx; 168K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 14:20:04 +0000
- From: co344@po.cwru.edu (Dirk Thompson)
- Subject: [Q] Accurate Time Sources
- Is there an accurate "clock setter" that I can access through the
- Internet--I was thinking of something like Clock Set, by Jim Leitch, that
- does this via modem. (Incidently, is there a version of Clock Set out there
- newer than 3.30?)
- Thanks for any help.
- Dirk Thompson
- co344@po.cwru.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 18:29:47 +0100
- From: KWONG LEON <sla2kwl@thor.cf.ac.uk>
- Subject: [Q] Caere OmniScan Fax with USR modem
- Dear readers,
- Can you tell me if Caere's OmniScan FaxMaster software
- supports the US Robotics Sportster Mac & Fax modem?
- Many thanks in advance for your info,
- K.W. Leon<leon@cardiff.ac.uk>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 09:07:08 EDT
- From: Jerry Wolf <wolf@BBN.COM>
- Subject: [Q] MacSki color file?
- I downloaded MacSki 1.5 from Info-Mac. When I got it home to my Mac with
- a color display, I found that it expects a separate MacSki color file,
- which wasn't included in the package. Is it available?
- Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 20:28:29 -0500
- From: SIMPSON_HOMER_J <wattjame@cwis.isu.edu>
- Subject: [*] MacSki 1.5; a game
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/mac-ski-15.hqx; 733K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 13:45:45 -0700 (PDT)
- From: John Thoo <jbthoo@ucdavis.edu>
- Subject: acrobat (R)
- On 15 Oct 1994 kwakkenb@knoware.nl (R.C.J. Kwakkenbos) wrote:
- > we've bought the new acrobat progrram. This is really working fine if we
- > would like this to print the pdf's to laserwriters.
- > Only, when i want to print to a stylewriter 11, it's bugging.
- > Anyone who has had this experience too and could solve it?
- I don't know how to help you, Ruud, but I can relate what happened to me.
- I, too, had trouble trying to print a PDF file to my DeskWriter 310
- until I downloaded the very latest version of the free Acrobat Reader
- from <ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/Applications/Acrobat>. With the
- latest Reader, printing a PDF file to my DW310 works without a hitch.
- You might also check to see if you have the latest StyleWriter II driver.
- Good luck!
- --John.
- J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis, CA 95616-8633
- Internet: <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu> or <jbthoo@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu>
- Home Page: <http://math.ucdavis.edu/~jb2>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 09:57:10 +0000
- From: ajcarr@ccvax.ucd.ie (Alun J. Carr)
- Subject: Addresses wanted (Q)
- Please could someone send me the names and addresses (possibly e-mail
- addresses, fax or non-toll-free numbers as well) of the manufacturers of
- both T-Script (which I've sometimes seen referred to as T-Print) and
- Freedom of the Press? (Our campus microstore is incapable of locating
- either of these products.)
- Thanks in advance.
- Alun
- --
- Dr A. J. Carr, Mech. Eng. Dept., UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
- Internet: ajcarr@ccvax.ucd.ie
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 07:36:45 -0400
- From: meserole@nadc.nadc.navy.mil (P. Meserole)
- Subject: Alias Creation Program
- Hello:
- Once again I'm looking for a program that can create a large number of network
- alias's from a data file containing a line for each alias in the format:
- where ZONE is the AppleTalk zone name, MACHINE is the name of the macintosh
- that is running System 7 file sharing and PATH is a colon-separated pathname to
- the folder or file that I wish to alias.
- I have tried ResEdit, but apparently Apple stores this information in some
- unknown format as a long int or something.
- Thanks for any help!
- Paul
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 16:27:46 -0500 (CDT)
- Subject: Antiviral software
- The top two s/w antiviral programs are Disinfectant and Gatekeeper. What I'd
- like to know is the effect of having both programs installed. Would a
- combination of Disinfectant and Gatekeeper be (a) advantageous, (b) redundant
- but not harmful, or (c) disadvantageous and potential for conflicts? Thanks
- for the help.
- Steve Waechter
- Department of Family Medicine
- University of Tennessee, Memphis
- swaechter@utmem1.utmem.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 10:27:22 -0400
- From: Solrain@aol.com
- Subject: Capitalizing sentences
- >> Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 12:22:25 +0100 (WET)
- >> Subject: Seeking help with concordance work
- >> I have a large quantity of text here, which was keyed in in ALL CAPS.
- >> I need to do 2 things with it: translate the lot into lowercase, with
- >> caps only on first letter of each sentence; make a concordance of it.
- >> Advice on packages to execute these jobs will be greatly appreciated.
- >> Marion Gunn
- BBEdit Lite will do "Capitilize sentence". (Also "Capitalize words" and
- "Capitalize lines") BBEdit Lite is shareware andwidely available.
- It's a great text editor! You'll wonder how you lived without it...
- >>>Solrain<<<
- Palm Springs, CA
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 12:05:47 +0100 (WET)
- Subject: Concordance query
- My thanks to all who mailed me in response to my concordance query. The
- material in question is very old. It was (wait for it!) put up on PUNCH
- CARDs. The attempts I made to change case resulted in the loss of a few
- unreadable characters--rather important ones, containing page numbers,
- line numbers (as in book) which I need. What I'd like is to convert this
- material without losing this valuable info (some page nos convert to
- asterisk, some to ligatures, some to semi-colons, etc., which obviously
- cannot be globally converted, as the text itself has asterisks embedded in
- it as control characters for searches). As to the concordance itself, many
- people have recommened Conc, which is the program I usually use for quick
- concordances--I am very fond of Conc, but I do not think it can generate
- output with page nos., line nos, only words in context. I could be wrong--
- not so long ago, a friend pointed out something else Conc could do, which
- I just didn't realise! Long ago, I used to use a package called the
- Oxford Concordance Programme, but that was for batch work, on mainframe.
- I'd love to know whether there is a Mac version of OCP, and, if so,
- how much it costs. Other suggestions are also welcome.
- Best wishes,
- Marion Gunn
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 09:28:46 -0700
- From: kroemer@apex.ece.ucsb.edu (Herb Kroemer)
- Subject: DeskTop Rebuild Fails (Part 2)
- Thanks to those who made suggestions how to fix the desktop rebuild failure
- (missing icons) I reported in Digest # 134 -- but the problem persists. I
- should have given a list of all the things I tried, because most people
- suggested something I had already tried unsuccesfully, alone or in
- combination. Here are some of the attempts made, going beyond what I
- reported in #134:
- Making the desktop files visible and then trashing them, thereby forcing
- a rebuild: It did, but the resulting DB and DF files were as crippled as
- the original files.
- Restart and rebuild with all Extensions off: No change.
- Checking for viruses: Disinfectant 3.5 found none.
- Rebuilding the whole System Folder from Apple's System 7.1 master
- floppies: No change.
- Disk too full?: 15 Megabytes are left.
- Harold Polk (hep@nrc.gov) reported that a friend of his had what looks like
- the same problem. So I am not alone.
- >From the various observation made, it appears that the problem is NOT due
- to a defective Finder, but is specific to the particular volume involved,
- which apparently got SOMEHOW damaged. If nothing else helps, I will
- eventually re-initialize the whole hard disk, but with the machine not
- acting up in any other way, I would prefer to understand this problem
- before fixing it.
- None of any other volumes that I are mounted give any trouble during DT
- rebuilding, and the sick volume will not re-build regardless of which
- volume I use as the startup volume. Nor have the APPLications etc. on the
- sick volume lost their icon resources. ResEdit shows that everything is
- present. If I drag, say, an extension that has lost its icon to one of the
- other volumes, and then re-build the DT on that other volume only, the
- icons re-appear, even on the sick volume (provided the other volume is
- mounted).
- The following observation may contain a clue: One of my attempts involved
- using a System 6.0.7 floppy as a startup, and with that I DID get a System
- 6 Desktop file with non-generic icons (I didn't do a detailed check,
- though). But as soon as I reverted to System 7.1, the bad pair of DT files
- got re-generated.
- "Though this be madness, yet there's method in't" (Polonius)
- Any clues?
- Regards,
- Herb K.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 13:26:16 -0400
- From: davidson@ll.mit.edu (Steve Davidson)
- Subject: Duo Dock II video info. needed (Q)
- I'm all but ready to retire my Quadra 950 and get a Duo Dock II for my
- Duo (end-of-the-day file transfers are a pain!). However, I need to
- know the following:
- - Will the built-in video in the Duo Dock II directly support
- the 1152x870 [multi-sync] monitor (in 8-bit color) I am currently
- using with my Q950?
- - Do a need an adapter for the Duo Dock II's built-in SCSI?
- - Other migration issues I should be aware of (besides the
- FPU/no-FPU issues)?
- The documentation available from the Apple servers (WWW and Gopher)
- are contradictory on the first question, so I need first-hand information.
- Thank you,
- Steve Davidson
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 08:59:21 MST
- From: sradford@heineken.tuc.nrao.edu (Simon Radford)
- Subject: ethertalk start up
- We have a small ethernet network (2 Macs, one printer) and
- have trouble with the builtin ethernet on one of the Macs.
- When that Mac starts up, it looks to see if the ethernet
- is already active. If it's active, it runs ethertalk, if not
- it reverts to localtalk. Obviously this is a problem if
- that Mac is turned on before the others. Anyone know of
- a fix or workaround?
- Thanks, Simon Radford
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 16:31:00 +0100
- From: pjorgens@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (Peter Jorgensen)
- Subject: Eudora (?) changing tildes
- Greetings. I use Eudora 1.4.2 here and just noticed on a recent posting of
- mine to the Info-Mac digest that the tilde in my sig's URL has been changed
- to a "c". What gives? I double checked my sig and it appears as a tilde.
- Has anyone seen this. Am I overlooking something stupid? (quite possible ;)
- Peter Jorgensen <a href="http://lictor.acsu.buffalo.edu/pjorgens/">PEJ</a>
- The opinions expressed are those of the author.
- [Well, here at my terminal, it appears as the character \323 (that is octal),
- so it isn't the usual ascii "~" character... -Gordon]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 11:56:55 -0500
- From: mem@eta.pha.jhu.edu (Mel E. Martinez)
- Subject: Eudora won't trash mail! (R)
- On 10/9/94 at 6:15 PM, Joe Alvarez wrote:
- >I am using Eudora 2.1 and have had an ongoing problem where items are being
- >*copied* to the trash instead of moved. I discovered this by turning off
- >the "empty trash at quit" setting. The table of contents does change, but
- >upon trashing it and getting it rebuilt, the supposedly-trashed message
- >reappears.
- Deleting a message or moving it to the trash in Eudora does not really
- delete the message. It simply marks the message for deletion in the .toc
- file and makes an entry for it in the Trash Folder's .toc file. This
- allows you to recover a message easily. If you look at the bottom of a
- table of contents window, such as your 'In' box, you should see 3 numbers
- separated by slashes. The first number is the number of messages in the
- mailbox, the second is the total size of all the messages in the mailbox
- and the third is the size of messages deleted from the mailbox.
- A mailbox is just a long TEXT file (you can open it with any editor).
- Since it is not a randomn-access file, when you move a message from one
- mailbox to the another, Eudora must recreate a new file for each mailbox
- (unless it can append the message to the end of the destination 'box).
- This is why it takes so long to move a single message from the middle of a
- real long In box. To save time, when you delete a message, Eudora simply
- makes note of the deletia in the .toc files.
- Now, to actually 'delete' the trashed items (and recover the disk space
- wasted in a mailbox with lots of deletions) you can either use the
- 'Compress Mailboxes' item under the 'Special' menu or you can leave 'Empty
- Trash On Quit' checked ON.
- Compressing the Mailboxes will result in updating the Mailboxes that have
- deletia in them. You should see the third number go to 0k after this.
- One feature I wish Eudora had was the ability to Compress just the ONE
- Mailbox that is frontmost. I have a lot of mailboxes that I sort incoming
- mail into. The only one that really ever needs to be compressed is the In
- box. But to compress it, Eudora firsts wastes a lot of time looking at all
- the other mailboxes to see if they need compressing or not.
- Still, it is a great Mail client, so I ain't really complainin'!
- I hope this is helpful,
- Cheers,
- Mel Martinez
- The Johns Hopkins University
- Dept. of Physics
- mem@pha.jhu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 11:07:00 -0700 (PDT)
- From: John Thoo <jbthoo@ucdavis.edu>
- Subject: fixing pref files (Q)
- My apologies if this is a FAQ; I appreciate your help.
- I would like to make sure that the Macs in a lab use a default set of
- pref files so that programs will always start up with some base set of
- prefs. What I'm thinking of is creating a folder called "Preferences
- Backup" (in the System Folder) in which I could keep a set of default pref
- files, and then use an extension that would copy the default pref file
- into the "Preferences" folder after an applicaation is Quit.
- Does such an extension exist? Or is there a more elegant solution?
- Thanks so much.
- --John.
- J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis, CA 95616-8633
- Internet: <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu> or <jbthoo@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu>
- Home Page: <http://math.ucdavis.edu/~jb2>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 07:42:26 +0800
- From: smoliar@iss.nus.sg (Stephen Smoliar)
- Subject: Geoport for Power Macintosh (1.0.2): strange side-effects?
- I just upgraded to System 7.5 and accompanied this installation on my Power
- Macintosh 7100/66AV with the installation of the Geoport for Power Macintosh
- (1.0.2) software. Ever since this transition, the GeoPort has started
- exhibiting funny modem behavior. Most important is the speed problem.
- It is set to run at maximum speed with full compression. I use it with
- a dial-back facility; and therein lies the peculiar behavior. When I dial
- in to give my password, I get the usually 14400 connection; but when I get
- called back, I am only connected at 7200. Since to do NOT experience this
- problem with my PowerBook, I am inclined to point the finger of blame at the
- GeoPort software (since I cannot imagine this to be a hardware problem). The
- other problem is that the modem now initializes to M0, which does not do my
- Macintosh loudspeaker very much good; so I have to keep manually restoring
- the M1 (allegedly default) setting. Does anyone know what is going on here?
- Given that I am stuck out in Singapore, is there an electronic mail address
- within Apple to which I can direct an account of these problems?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 09:26:29 GMT
- From: lance@rahul.net (Lance K. Chun)
- Subject: HELP: Apple 17" & SuperMac Spectrum 24/III
- Anyone have a Apple 17" Multiscan working with SuperMac Sectrum 24/ Series
- III graphics card? Have you gotten it to work? I'm having a hell of a time
- trying to get these two working together. Any help would be greatly
- apprecaited.
- Please e-mail me!!!
- lance@rahul.net
- Lance
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 02:49:36 -0800
- From: sgrady@wimsey.com (Stephen Grady)
- Subject: HELP: speedisk crashed my mac? err. -39?
- In Info-Mac Digest Mon, 17 Oct 94 Volume 12 : Issue 137
- From: jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu (Jeffrey Fritz)
- >From: bmilner@netcom.com (bmilner) said:
- >
- >BM> - I ran Norton Utilities Speed disk on my quadra 650 running 7.1
- >BM> after deleting an old 50 MB file I no longer needed.
- >
- >What version of Speed Disk are you running? There is a well
- >publicized bug in version 3.0 that trashes disks. Norton has
- >released an update (3.1) to fix the problem.
- >
- >I can't say if their fix worked. I'm too afraid to try it
- >on my 1 GB drive!
- I have used Speed Disk 3.1 on my piddly 170mb without any problems. But
- then I had also used 3.0 on it, and the pinhole-size 40mb, I have without
- any problems before I heard about the problems with 3.0.
- Don't know how far this goes for recommending 3.1 use. Maybe backup (oops!
- what does that mean? I always forget!;) before you try it?
- Stephen Grady
- Stephen Grady
- sgrady@wimsey.com
- 73112.2212@compuserve.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 17:57:34 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Bret M. Laskarzewski" <bl002b@uhura.cc.rochester.edu>
- Subject: IMAP Clients?
- Peter Loron wrote,
- > Howdy. I am currently stuck using Mailstrom over a somewhat erratic
- > (bandwidth-wise) link to the net and thus to my mailserver. Mailstrom has
- > a nice interface, but it has proven to be quite unreliable when it doesn't
- > always have immediate access to the net...can anyone suggest another IMAP
- > mail client package? Thanks.
- The only other semi-IMAP client I've heard of and tried is POPmail II. I say
- semi because it uses IMAP in a POP manner, and sucks the mail to the local
- machine. If this is something you'd like, I'd be happy to send it to you
- (the latest version is 2.10).
- Bret M. Laskarzewski
- Macintosh Technical Assistant
- University of Rochester Computing Center User Services
- btli_ss@uhura.cc.rochester.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 15:13:07 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Peter Loron <peterl@diver.ocean.washington.edu>
- Subject: IMAP Clients?
- > The only other semi-IMAP client I've heard of and tried is POPmail II. I say
- > semi because it uses IMAP in a POP manner, and sucks the mail to the local
- > machine. If this is something you'd like, I'd be happy to send it to you
- > (the latest version is 2.10).
- Yeah..I looked at it. The problem with POPMail (and POP in general) is
- that I read mail on multiple machines and don't want to have it scattered
- around. POPMail was also not very happy with the lousy bandwidth I get
- here sometimes. I wish Star*Nine would make their AOCE/Internet gateway
- for IMAP. Sigh. Thanks for the suggestion.
- -Pete
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 20:24:51 -0500
- From: durbr001@gold.tc.umn.edu (Eric Durbrow)
- Subject: Internet for kids
- I am at volunteer for an afterschool program at the YWCA. Could some kind
- soul recommend what to visit on the Internet with kids using Mosaic or
- MacWeb? Could some one suggest some semi-educational games to download from
- the Internet? Thanks. Please address responses to me at:
- durbr001@gold.tc.umn.edu.
- Eric Durbrow
- Institute of Child Development
- 51 East River Road
- University of Minnesota
- MN 55455 USA
- durbr001@gold.tc.umn.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 13:52:25 +0100
- From: mdols@xs4all.nl (Mark Dols)
- Subject: InterSLIP with 28K8 modem
- I'm trying to get a 28K8 slip-connection (SupraFAX 28K8 modem) with
- InterSLIP 1.0.1, but 14K4 seems the highest speed which the software
- supports. With Zterm I can use 28K8 without a problem. Has anyone managed
- to get a 28K8 connection with InterSLIP?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 10:24:16 -0400
- From: Solrain@aol.com
- Subject: Keyboards flaking out
- >> Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 12:41:51 +22305714 (HST)
- >> From: Michael Blasco <mblasco@bishop.bishop.hawaii.org>
- >> Subject: Apple Adjustable Keyboards flaking out!
- >> I've recently run into three Apple Adjustable Keyboards that have been
- >> producing extra characters on different keys.
- Same here! We've had to replace 4 or 5 adjustable keyboards. Lucky four us
- they
- failed while still under warranty. In all the years prior we *never* had a
- standard or extended keyboard fail.
- >>>Solrain<<<
- Palm Springs, CA
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 13:23:09 -0600
- From: forbes@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu (Graeme Forbes)
- Subject: look for a font (A)
- "I am looking for a font with a circle with a minus sign in middle"
- Unfortunately, the freeware Zed font that was mentioned here recently
- doesn't have this character (unless I'm blind).
- There are freeware Mac versions of the 7-bit Computer Modern fonts where
- you might be able to find it (try the tex archive at midway.uchicago.edu).
- I have been unable to get these fonts to work properly. And not all the cm
- fonts have been converted to Type 1 format.
- The commercial Lucida NewMath fonts from Y&Y (800-742-4059, 508-371-3286,
- fax 508-371-2004) have two such characters, one in which the minus sign
- meets the circumference of the circle and one in which there are small gaps
- at each end.
- Graeme Forbes
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 03:16:32 -0400
- From: VLRadford@aol.com
- Subject: microsoft cd packaging
- Encarta Program Manager
- 1994 Edition
- Consumer Division
- One Microsoft Way
- Redmond, WA 98052-6399
- October 18, 1994
- Dear Microsoft,
- Recently I received as a gift a copy of your Encarta CD shipped directly to
- me by CD-Rom Warehouse in Lakewood, NJ.
- The software itself is fine, but I was appalled by the volume of disposable
- packaging. The plastic CD case is 5.6 x 4.9 x 0.4 inches, or 11 cubic inches.
- A three leaf corrugated spacer
- held this case in a cardboard display box 9.5 x 7.8 x 1.4 inches, or 104
- cubic inches. This display box was then shipped in a corrugated shipping box
- 11 x 9 x 4 inches, or 396 cubic
- inches. Furthermore, this shipping box was stuffed with foam pellets,
- labeled, perhaps jokingly, as eco-foam.
- Although I appreciate your need to package your product attractively and to
- protect it during shipping, it seems ludicrous to use packaging thirty six
- times larger than the
- product. Mail order record stores routinely ship audio CDs without incident
- in simple corrugated mailers not much larger than the plastic case.
- I am reminded of the debate about the wastefulness of the long boxes in which
- audio CDs were initially packaged. Those have largely disappeared from
- record stores, but they were
- paragons of minimalism compared with your bloated packaging.
- I hope Microsoft will bear these concerns in mind when you design future CD
- packages.
- Sincerely, Simon Radford, Tucson
- cc: CD-Rom Warehouse, info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 07:18 EST
- From: "Don't Panic!" <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
- Subject: Mosaic 2.00A868k problem
- Greetings,
- Anybody know why the pictures that used to load automatically in mosaic now
- don't? The only paint program I have is ColorIT, and I don't know which icon
- to select for the pictures in html when setting the helper
- applications.
- Thank you.
- Sincerely,
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 12:13:15 +0100
- From: adam@iag.TNO.NL (Adam van Gaalen PA2AGA)
- Subject: NET_Mac2.3.45.sea.hqx.text
- The Netherlands, October 18, 1994.
- Hello dear reader,
- Today I distributed NET_Mac2.3.45.sea.hqx...
- For those who don't know NET/Mac... NET/Mac is the application that
- supports TCP/IP over packet-radio, which means, that hamradio operators
- can use NET/Mac for their wireless TCP/IP network...
- In this version of NET/Mac I implemented the following:
- - Enhance the test for bad AX.25 headers
- - mac-tools.c was cleaned up by Ivo ON1XK
- - Enhance the reboot_on_bad_date decision method
- - Speed-up hostname lookups from the hosts.net file
- - Let the watchcursor spin while copying mail-files
- - In case of problems send a more explaining message to the screen
- - Don't accept 'tcp reset' commands for sockets in 'Listen' state
- This version obsoletes all versions of info-mac/comm/radio-net-mac in
- the Sumex-Aim archives.
- The new NET/Mac has (hopefully) been uploaded to:
- ftp.ucsd.edu, to the directory hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming.
- If it's not there then look at hamradio/packet/tcpip/mac.
- Scott WY1Z may have also uploaded the new version to:
- oak.oakland.edu, to the directory pub/hamradio/mac/digital
- Kind regards,
- Adam PA2AGA (e-mail: adam@iag.tno.nl )
- ( or: pa2aga@iag.tno.nl for letters only, NO BIG files here)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 16:40:36 -0600
- From: jwitte@uiuc.edu (J. Witte)
- Subject: New PPP User (A)
- A grey "open" button on the configPPP control panel can be caused by:
- PPP init not installed
- macTCP not set correctly
- a corrupted preferences file (toss into trash and try again)
- In my configuration, I have TCP set to get the ip address from "server".
- -------------------
- Jim Witte
- Univ. of Illinois
- jwitte@uiuc.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 17 Oct 1994 17:04:23 U
- From: "David Dantowitz" <david@em.com>
- Subject: Openning Audio CD files
- Subject: Time:5:00 PM
- OFFICE MEMO Openning Audio CD files Date:10/17/94
- Is there a straight-forward way to open an audio CD track?
- I'd like a more direct method than digitizing through the Mac's microphone
- port.
- Thanks.
- David Dantowitz
- Ehrlich Multimedia
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 06:45:57 +0100 (BST)
- From: chg10@cus.cam.ac.uk (Conrad Gempf)
- Subject: PowerMac, Radius and Suitcase
- A colleague just bought a PowerMac 6100 with CD drive and I have two questions
- about the problems he's having with it. One concerns Suitcase not working and
- the other concerns a Radius monitor that's unbearable to read.
- ____SUITCASE____
- We can't get suitcase to work properly. He's got Suitcase 2.1.4 and is running
- System 7.1.2 (I don't know why 7.5 was installed, but it wasn't). When we
- select Suitcase from the Apple menu, we get a beep and nothing. Anyone have
- Suitcase running on a PowerMac?
- ____RADIUS____
- He wanted a full page monitor, and Radius appeared to be all that the dealers
- were offering. He got a Pivot, although he doesn't really need the pivot
- function. It's a 'Colour Precision'. The quality of the screen image is awful!
- It's fuzzy as anything, especially at the top. It's worse than the cheap small
- Performa screens. He's mostly concerned about reading the text of the book he's
- writing -- in 12 and 10 point Palatino. That was fine on his previous
- monitor--a cheap Korean full-page B&W branded Lapis, though I had one branded
- Sunkyong. Is this a problem with all Radiuses? ...all colour precision pivots?
- ...just this particular box? Apparently the purchase of a card will allow him
- more options with screen resolution... but that will just make the image
- smaller, no?
- Thanks for your help.
- Conrad
- Dr Conrad Gempf, LBC, Green Lane, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 2UW England UK
- chg10@cus.cam.ac.uk
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 14:48:44 GMT
- From: Nigel Bruce <ECL6NB@lucs-01.novell.leeds.ac.uk>
- Subject: Removing a Macintosh's name
- Hi
- We have 7 PowerMacs in a public area for which I have created a
- common identical software set. Unfortunately I made the mistake of
- giving the Macintosh I used to install all the softweare a name. Now
- when I load this Macs system folder onto all the other Macs they
- complain, when booting, that there is already a Mac with that name on
- the network.
- The 'Sharing Setup' Control Panel won't let me delete the name
- altogether. My question is - Is there anyway, perhaps using resedit,
- to delete the Macs name? I don't want to have to start again and re-
- install the whole system.
- Thanks for your help
- Nigel
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 11:19:28 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Seth Ness <ness@aecom.yu.edu>
- Subject: scanning and printing
- hi,
- whats the best settings for scanning on an apple color one scanner,
- grayscale photographs, to be printed on an HP laserjet 4M (600 dpi)?
- and what are the best settings within photoshop for printing the
- scans(lpi, screen)?
- ---
- Seth L. Ness Ness Gadol Hayah Sham
- ness@aecom.yu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 15:15:08 -0400
- From: meclan1.ccole@mailgw.sanders.lockheed.com
- Subject: Scheduling Software?
- Apparently-To: <@rapnet.sanders.lockheed.com:info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- In article <Scheduling Software, Info-Mac Digest V12 #136>, Miles
- Abernathy, miles@mail.utexas.edu, wrote:
- <I am looking for some Mac software, or perhaps an add-on to Excel, that can
- <draw schedules like this. The person enters the start and ending dates, and
- <the software puts bars of the proper lengths in the appropriate cells:
- <
- < Flight to Mars -- Schedule
- < Begin | End | Activity | 93 94 95 96
- < 3-15-93 | 2-28-94 | Training | xxxx|xx | | |
- Miles,
- I use FastTrack Scheduler by AEC Management Systems (available from the
- regular software mail order houses and recently reviewed in MacWorld).
- FastTrack allows you to draw the lines and it will tell you resultant
- start and end dates or you can input start and end dates and it will draw
- the lines.
- Good luck.
- --
- Christopher F. Cole (ccole@mailgw.sanders.lockheed.com)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 18:20:52 -0400
- From: camerowd@picard.ml.wpafb.af.mil (Capt Bill Cameron)
- Subject: Seeking help with concordance work[R]
- Marion Gunn writes:
- >I have a large quantity of text here, which was keyed in in ALL CAPS.
- >I need to do 2 things with it: translate the lot into lowercase, with
- >caps only on first letter of each sentence; make a concordance of it.
- >Advice on packages to execute these jobs will be greatly appreciated.
- I haven't looked at Concordance 1.7.1 for a while, but I believe it will
- produce the concordance you require. Available at:
- ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu//info-mac/app/concordance-171.hqx
- or
- ftp://ftp.sunet.se//pub/mac/info-mac/app/concordance-171.hqx
- For changing case, try BBEdit or BBEdit Lite. Also useful for many text
- manipulation tasks. Available at:
- ftp://sumex-aim.stanford.edu//info-mac/text/bbedit-lite-30.hqx
- or
- ftp://plaza.aarnet.edu.au//micros/mac/info-mac/text/bbedit-lite-30.hqx
- Hope this helps.
- Bill Cameron sdg
- camerowd@picard.ml.wpafb.af.mil
- billc55122@aol.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 11:24:07 +0100
- From: Roland Whitehead <RoWhitehead@continum.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: SNAFU'd Bernoulli Transportable Fan
- I've had a tried and tested Bernoulli Transportable 44MB drive for=
- about 4
- years and its fan is about to die. Why do I say that? - beacuse=
- its
- getting noisy!
- I rang Iomega and to repair it they want =A3180 (say $US 270). Their=
- new
- 230MB Transportable only costs =A3430 ($645) and as I have only 4=
- 44MB
- cartidges (they're very expensive over here) I would be able to move=
- all my
- stuff onto just the one cartridge OR I could purchase a new 425MB=
- hard disk
- for just =A3249!
- Anyway, I don't want to do any of this. I want to fix the fan and=
- do it
- cheap. I can get a replacement fan (right size, right rating) from=
- an
- electronic supplies co locally but I am hesitant about taking the=
- drive
- apart. Has anyone done it? Is it very dangerous? How do I do it?
- By the way, I'm used to taking Macs and other drives apart down to=
- dust
- sealed level so I am no novice at it - just cautious...
- Roland Whitehead
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 12:17:36 -0700
- From: neese@johns.Stanford.EDU (Tim Neese)
- Subject: Speech output on a Mac
- Hello,
- I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice regarding speech output
- on the Mac. I have 8 MB of RAM and a Quadra 630 so I thought I would try
- out the Macintalk Pro stuff from the Apple server(fpt.apple.support.com).
- I installed the Macintalk Pro extension and the better quality voices. I
- was disappointed, though, at how poor they still sounded.
- I even downloaded the "high quality" ones that are around 3MB each but they
- didn't sound any better. Is the poor vocalization a limitation of
- Macintalk or is it in the degree of phonetic detail in the voice file?
- Does anyone know if the "high quality" voices are so named because they
- sound much more natural or because the sound quality itself is just more
- clear? If the former is the case, do you have to allocate more memory to
- the application playing the sound to hear the results or is there anything
- else that must be done for them to work and what kind of memory must be
- allocated for the "high quality" voices to work well?
- Thanks for any suggestions. I could live with Fred's voice if I had to,
- which I thought sounded the best (or at least was the easiest to
- understand) of the set but I would like to see if I could find a more
- natural sounding, easier to understand one if possible. Are there any
- voice archives?
- Tim
- PS: Does anyone think the speech recognition is good enough to be worth the
- cost of a Plaintalk microphone and does it run ok on a Quadra or is it only
- practical for PowerMacs?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 10:24:20 -0400
- From: Solrain@aol.com
- Subject: Stackable clipboard
- >> Date: Fri, 14 Oct 94 20:05:29 +0100
- >> From: Matti Zemack <f92-maz@nada.kth.se>
- >> Subject: Stackable clipboard?
- Clipfolio shareware from Ootinta software will let you cut and paste up
- to 20 sepparate clipboards. I got my copy from AOL. Should be in
- Info-Mac archives also. If not, I'd be happy to upload.
- >>>Solrain<<<
- Palm Springs, CA
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 13:27:33 -0700
- From: Leslie_Ballentine@sfu.ca
- Subject: Stackable clipboard (C)
- Matti Zemack <f92-maz@nada.kth.se> asked:
- >I'm searching for a clipboard-like INIT (or CDEV). It should work something
- >as follows:
- >1. I Copy something out with CMD-C and it's put on a stack.(*1)
- >2. I Copy something else out with CMD-C and it's put on the stack.(*2)
- >3. I Paste (CMD-V) and out comes what I copied out in (*2).
- >4. I Paste again (CMD-V) and out should come what I copied in (*1).
- >
- >Has anybody heard of something like this? (or could program this)
- QUED/M supports multiple clipboards, and so should be able to do
- essentially what you want, provided you can do it in QUED/M. But it is no
- help if you must work with other applications.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 13:43:46 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Burton L. Palmer" <BLP9525@ritvax.isc.rit.edu>
- Subject: Star Trek DS9, TNG hypercard stacks
- I am looking for the hypercard stacks that once appeared in the sumex
- archive.
- There were three in all, DS9, TOS and TNG, but now since the new seasons have
- started and TNG is over I am looking fo updates and can't find them.
- Then horror upon horror I found out that the stacks I did have were faulty. If
- you know of were to send for these or if you can send them to me I will be
- greatful.
- Burton Palmer
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 13:20:02 +0100
- From: njg@utad3.utad.pt (Norberto Jorge Goncalves)
- Subject: Transwarp AE
- Dear Sir,
- I am a Macintosh Classic owner. Since I haven't the
- possibility to
- chance the computer for a better one, I endeed up by buying an accelerator
- board. In my case, I chose a "Transwarp 2340C EC40 MHz W/CACHE and W/FPU\
- from Applied Engeneering.
- Hoever, that purchase was made one month before Applied Engeneering
- shut down its operation and it came with no FPU.
- Aparently, it should work, but the computer ask for the FPU every
- time I open a desktop software and the aceletor board specific software,
- "warp 030 v1.5", doesn't have an option to turn off the FPU.
- The FPU reference for this board is MC68882FN (PLCC package) and
- Itried to buy it. Till now, I didn't had any luck.
- My question is how can I get a FPU, in case you could Know Of a
- comercial house, or how can I over come the problem?
- I'd like you to answer me diredtly since I'm not a frequently
- Info-Mac user. I became aware of your service through a collegue of mine.
- I would appreciate an answer since I can't work with my Macintosh.
- P
- Please!
- Norberto Goncalves
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 23:25:13 -0500 (CDT)
- From: "William M. Porter" <WMPORTER@Jetson.UH.EDU>
- Subject: WordPerfect 3.0
- I have recently purchased WordPerfect 3.0, which I thought I would try
- out in the hope that it might provide a complement to MacWrite Pro, which
- is still my main word processor. I am profoundly disappointed in WP 3.0
- and have begun to appreciate MacWrite Pro 1.5 even more than I did
- before. I'm hoping that somebody on the list here can help me out with a
- couple questions about WP. I have read the manual and the online help
- already, to no avail, and am strongly inclined to think that the answer
- to most of my questions is a simple NO. But I would be happy to be wrong
- about any or all. Anyone willing to help me could respond either to me
- directly (wmporter@jetson.uh.edu) or to the Digest. I will be happy to
- summarize responses sent directly to me and post them all at once.
- 1. Is there no way to tell that modifications have been made in the
- formatting of a paragraph to which a defined style had earlier been
- applied? In Word and MacWrite Pro, the place on the screen which displays
- the style name of the paragraph containing the insertion point adds a
- mark to indicate that some change has been made that overrides the style
- definition, e.g. a paragraph formatted with style "body" which is then
- slightly (or significantly) changed will be displayed as having style
- "body+", where the plus-sign notes the modification. As far as I can
- tell, WP doesn't do anything like this, which is so unhelpful that it
- almost makes using styles pointless.
- 2. Is there really no way to apply a "space before" format to a
- paragraph? As near as I can tell, WP requires that you use blank
- paragraphs to get space-before formatting.
- 3. Is there really no way to have available at once two commands, one of
- which inserts the date and the other of which inserts the time?
- Apparently WP 3.0 provides only a unified "date/time" variable, which
- gives you only what you have set it up to give in the Preferences for the
- program. Moreover there don't seem to be many options for date and time.
- MacWrite Pro shines here: it lets you enter variables that indicate when
- the document was last modified, last opened, etc. Anything like this in
- WP?
- 4. Is there really no way to get information about word count, etc. for a
- *selection*? Apparently WP will only tell you about the entire document.
- 5. Is there really no way to number paragraphs in WP? I feel almost
- certain I must be overlooking something here.
- 6. Is it really the case that WP's so-called outlining mode doesn't allow
- you to collapse child paragraphs underneath parent paragraphs?
- I am hoping to be wrong about some or all of these, but if I'm not, then
- this really is a strange program. What is the point of a program that
- allows you to use overlays to write "draft" on a document but will not
- let you easily date & time the draft as well? What is the point of a
- feature that counts words in the entire document, but won't let you count
- words in a selection? (Writers who are interested in counting words
- usually want to be able to figure out how much they need to cut to get
- within their target limits.)
- Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.
- Will Porter / Houston, Texas
- wmporter@jetson.uh.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 02:49:44 -0800
- From: sgrady@wimsey.com (Stephen Grady)
- Subject: WP6.0 Windows -> MSWord 5.1a (Mac) - Help!!
- I have looked in the mirror sites, and on CompuServe for a convertor that
- will allow me to open a WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows document into Word for
- Mac 5.1a.
- I have not had any luck. Is there such a convertor somewhere?
- I am using AccessPC to read the DOS disk, and Macintosh Easy Open extension
- which came with it. Opening from the desktop, or from within Word, I am
- give the chance to use WP5.0 filters which invariable crash my system.
- I know MacLink has a filter for its version of Easy Open. I don't have
- MacLink. And I don't want to have to go buy it. Insignia has replied that
- they don't have any plans at the moment to create a convertor for WP6.0
- (Windows) -> MSWord (Mac).
- The easy solution would be to have the individuals who are giving me these
- files save them as WP5.1. Or one would think so. When I phoned today to
- ask what format the files were in (already guessing the answer), I was
- told, "Why, WordPerfect 6.0 of course." My grunt got me another response
- of "I thought that might cause a problem." I felt like going over to them,
- knocking on their head and asking if anybody was home in there!!
- Thank you for your help (and listening to my complaints about Windoze users)
- Stephen Grady
- Stephen Grady
- sgrady@wimsey.com
- 73112.2212@compuserve.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 15:29:53 EDT
- From: zyuan@mentor.lgc.peachnet.edu (Zhang Yuan)
- Hi, I wonder whether I am in the right place to ask technical questions about
- my Mac. Please help me.
- Problem:
- I upgraded my mac from system 6.1 to system 7.0, but everytime I
- start my computer, it gives me a default setting--black & white screen, time
- being 12:33 9/17/1956, etc. Even if I change the setting in "General Control"
- Panel, but next time I turn on the computer, it goes back to the default
- setting. I even reinstalled the system, but doesn't help.
- I would deeply appreciate your help.
- Yuan Zhang
- zyuan@mentor.lgc.peachnet.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 08:35:34 -0400
- From: msullivan@carib.vf.ge.com
- Carib>
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 08:38:06 -0400
- From: Michael Sullivan <msullivan@carib.vf.ge.com>
- To: <info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Subject: Appletalk over internet
- I saw it on the net earlier.... but didn't save it! Does anyone know how to
- get appletalk to work over tcp/ip? (not the otherway around!) Want to
- establish a slip connection and then appletalk file share to a mac on a
- local
- internet.
- Thanks,
- Mike
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
- ******************************